In a magical world where only corgis live, Bad Corgi is known for being a little too naughty. With his days filled with pranks and mischief at school, he's not exactly the most popular pup. But one day, after a few funny and embarrassing moments, including showing up at school in pajamas and a unicorn dress, Bad Corgi has a big tantrum that makes a huge mess!
Right when he thinks things can't get worse, he meets a wise little bird who helps him see things differently. Now, facing the mess he made, Bad Corgi wonders if he can change his ways and become Good Corgi. Will he be able to fix things and earn a new, nicer reputation?
The "Bad Corgi" is a charming story about making better choices and being kind. Written by a 10-year-old as a school project and brought to life with fun AI illustrations, this book is perfect for young readers aged 6 to 10. Dive into this delightful adventure to see if Bad Corgi can turn his mischief into goodness!
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